Friday, January 3, 2014

Skin Improvement Tricks

Everyone want flawless smooth silky skin . For that also purchases many cosmetic products and spend a handful  of money but many time end up with No-Result of even damages the skin with wrong or strong products.

That's the reason you should go for Natural Home made Products as they are very cost efficient, free from side effects and gives better results as no preservatives are added .

Here are few techniques to improve skin:

Technique: Mud Face Mask
This the the cheapest and Best way to improve your skin. Just Take small amount of Fuller's earth in a bowl add a pinch of turmeric and water to it. Keep the mixture for at least two hour so it may absorb water. Now mix the solution well and apply it on face and other part of body. Sit in Sun light if it is winter for better result. After 25-30 minutes wash face with water only, DO NOT USE SOAP. After this process you will find your skin very smooth tight and even.
Repeat the activity once a week.
Also practice this technique JUST BEFORE any party to reduce wrinkle appearance on face and obtain tight glowing skin.
By doing this it will not only improve your skin but will also protect it from any type of infection, acne and will slowly erase scars of wound and any marks on face.
While taking bath add 2-3 drop of lemon juice in water bucket. By doing this you will get rid of all type of skin diseases, clean skin pores and will improve skin complexion

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cure Dry and Rough Skin at Home

Take half bowl of raw milk and dip a cotton in it. Apply milk with it on face, neck and other parts of body by rubbing cotton for 5-6 minutes. You will see that cotton will be looking very dirty, that dirt is from your skin. After 20 minutes wash your face with water only. This Milk-Bath will cure acne and pimples, spots, wrinkles, Dark circles and rough skin in few days only. Repeat this activity twice a day for two week and see its amazing results on your skin.

Alternative :
In one spoon of milk add a pinch of turmeric powder and apply the solution on face and then wash it after 15 minutes. This technique gives a natural glow to your skin especially to those people who have pale and dull face they MUST do this to achieve better and attractive looks

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cure Oily Skin

Oily Skin is a problem which leads to so many other problems such as acne, poor sweaty looks and distortion of make-up.
Ayurveda has a very simple, home made and easy to apply solution for this problem.
Just Dip an ice cube in milk and then gently rub it on face. Repeat  the activity twice a day for two week to get rig of oily skin and achieve glowing skin